Door of Hope International (DOHI) is a “Voice and a Helping Hand” to Christians suffering persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ. We bring awareness of world-wide persecution through news briefs, and updates on current atrocities, human rights violations and religious oppression. We advocate on behalf of individuals and the Church-body, standing as a “voice” for those whose voice has been silenced.
We invite all to partner with us in prayer for Christians suffering for their faith.
Through our monthly newsletters we inform our partners in ministry of urgent situations. We provide opportunities of active advocacy through Prayer & Action by sending petitions and letters to governments on behalf of prisoners incarcerated for their faith in Jesus Christ, or violation of religious freedom, and acts against humanity. We encourage sending letters of encouragement directly to imprisoned Christians and their families wherever possible.
We encourage others to be a voice of suffering Christians by being a DOHI area representative in their local church or community, or starting a prayer group. Prayer is a powerful tool that breaks down walls and spiritual strongholds. Without prayer, there is no spiritual impact. God alone changes situations. For more information, click here: Get Involved!