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Now Available: 50th Anniversary Edition of Tortured For His Faith


In celebration of Door of Hope International’s (DOHI) Golden Jubilee, we are honoring the legacy of Dr. Haralan Popov by printing a special edition of his autobiography, Tortured For His Faith (TFHF).

This 50th anniversary edition includes an updated forward by his son, Paul H. Popov, as well as pictures and highlights of DOHI’s ministry spanning the years 1972 to 2022.

It is a source of joy to us to know that Pastor Popov’s story has brought solace to men and women all around the world who have also suffered torture and imprisonment because of their uncompromising faith in God.

In a few words, Iranian pastor Farshid Fathi shared with us the impact that reading Tortured For His Faith had on him while imprisoned in Tehran’s infamous Evin Prison.

Pastor Fashid Fahti: “I have had the privilege to taste a little bit of suffering, like many other people around the world, for the sake of the Gospel. I have spent five years of my life in prison. The first year I was in solitary confinement, but after that I was sent to a real prison. Once there, I asked my friends and family to bring me books to read since in real prison you have permission to read books. Someone sent me Tortured For His Faith – a wonderful, powerful, beautiful book written by our beloved brother Haralan Popov in Farsi.

 What I can tell you is that when I was reading every page of this book, God was really strengthening me and touching my heart and helping me to keep going on the road of suffering. Even though I was going through a difficult time, as I was seeing the footprint of other believers, like the man of God, Haralan Popov…when I was seeing what he went through in those times, how he stood for the Lord, it helped me to forget about my pain and my suffering. It was so encouraging for me because of that! I am so thankful that we can have this book in Farsi!”

Tortured For His Faith has touched over one million lives since its original printing, has been translated into 27 languages and circulated all over the world! We are currently working on the 28th language translation of TFHF into the Ukrainian language.

You can place your order today for a contribution of $7.95 USD. All contributions go to the work of Door of Hope International. Multiple copy discounts are available by contacting us at the following email: