Useful tips for prayer and action

Wisdom for Christians who want to help the persecuted church

What you can do

Prayer is the most important action you can take. God alone can break spiritual strongholds. We are powerless without God. Prayer is also an act of faith, acknowledging God’s power and believing that He hears.

But prayer without action is like faith without works.

To be most effective, we must combine Prayer & Action!

We urge you to read through the stories of our imprisoned Christian brethren. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer for them and their families. After reading a prisoner’s story and praying, we ask you to take the next step and speak out on behalf of a brother or sister who is persecuted and oppressed. 

1. Write to officials

Write to your local government, senators, and representatives or the embassy of the persecuted Christian in the USA. Bring the prisoner to their attention. Countries like Iran, which state in their constitution that there is freedom of religion and claim to abide by the Universal Human Rights Declaration, can often be pressured to improve their treatment of prisoners when they fear the world is watching.

2. Write to the USCIRF

We also have a strong advocate in the US Commission on International Religious Freedom in Washington D.C. Write to the USCIRF today and encourage their diplomatic efforts on behalf of Persecuted Christians who have spent years being tortured and imprisoned for the sake of their faith in Jesus Christ.
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom
Att: Chair Stephen Schneck
732 Capitol Street, N.W., Suite A714, Washington, D.C. 20401

3. Write to a prisoner

Write a card or a letter to a prisoner. Christian prisoners can often fall into despair and hopelessness, especially when they feel forgotten and lose contact with the outside world. Even a small card with simple words like, “I am praying for you!” can liftup their spirits tremendously.

Often a prisoner begins their prison term strong in the Lord, determined not to deny Him. In brutal countries like Eritrea, Iran, Pakistan, North Korea, and other such countries, where they are repeatedly beaten and tortured to deny Christ, their strength falters.

Some, unfortunately, lose hope like in the case of Amin Afshar-Naderi. Having endured repeated torture in the brutal cells of Evin Prison, Iran, for more than a year before receiving his 15-year sentence, Amin lost hope and went on a hunger strike to end his life. He felt that 15 more years of isolation, beatings and torture was more than he could bear.

We must help such prisoners through prayer and letters of encouragement and hope.

Knowing someone cares and is praying is sometimes all it takes to keep a Christian from totally giving up or denying Christ.

Safety measures when writing to an imprisoned Christian

When writing to a prisoner, please keep these useful tips in mind:

  • Do pray for the persecuted believer who will receive your card or letter.
  • Do tell them that they are not forgotten.
  • Do keep your letter short and use simple English phrasing.
  • Do quote a Bible verse and give the reference.
  • Do sign the letter with only your first name.
  • DON’T mention DOHI in your letter as it may jeopardize our work with other imprisoned Christians.
  • DON’T criticize the government or laws of the nation where the believer is imprisoned as it may jeopardize their safety.
  • DON’T give your full name, address, or any contact details.
  • DON’T send any money or gifts with your correspondence.

Suggested gifts

Provide a Bible

When faith is forbidden, Bibles are the greatest gift that a persecuted Christian can receive! $10 provides one persecuted Believer or seeker in a Muslim-majority country with a new Bible. $50 guarantees one imprisoned Christian can listen to God's Word on a solar-powered audio reader that can be shared with fellow prisoners. (Pakistan, Eritrea, Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia, Syria, Bulgaria, Ukraine)

Help Imprisoned Christians

Imprisoned Believers often suffer from severe physical deprivations which result in serious health problems. A donation of $50 provides one prisoner with a month's supply of life-saving medication, warm clothing and nutritious food. (Pakistan, Eritrea).

Support a Persecuted Pastor

Pastors in Pakistan, Ukraine, Iran, Ethiopia, and Eritrea need our support so that they can continue to minister the love of God in their hurting communities. $75 allows one pastor to pay his rent, buy food, and cover his transportation costs while serving God in countries hostile to the Gospel.

Aid to Persecuted Families

For many families suffering Christian persecution it is a daily struggle to simply put food on the table. Bless a persecuted family of an imprisoned pastor. $50 will help feed a family of four for a month (Pakistan, India, Eritrea).

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DOHI’s ministry has expanded worldwide and is currently active in 15 countries.

Our International headquarters is located in Glendale, CA, USA. For office locations around the world please see the contact page.

Door of Hope International has been in good standing with ECFA since 1981.