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PAKISTAN MINISTRY UPDATE: Hope for Unreached People

“Ninety-five percent of the Pakistani people believe in the existence of God’s Word (the first five books of the Old Testament, the Psalms, and the Gospels) but they have never read it, nor do they have access to it. Pastor Amir

“Reaching the unreached” means sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with people who do not have access to Bibles and amongst whom there is no indigenous community of Believers able to evangelize their own people.

Most unreached people groups live in the Middle East and North Africa. In Muslim-majority countries, it is often very dangerous to share the Gospel message and distribute Bibles. Evangelists often face harassment and violent acts from the public; detainment or even arrest by authorities.

Even so, every year, we are reaching the unreached people of Pakistan, and they are being deeply touched by the Good News of God’s Word!

Pastor Amir, our DOHI ministry partner, who recently returned from another successful outreach trip to northern Pakistan shared with us:

“We are so grateful to God that He has opened up the gates of northern Pakistan to us. In one particular city at the foot of the Himalayan mountains, where there are no Christians, we had the chance to meet the local police and shared the Word of God with them! We also met people on the streets, engaged them in conversation about God, and distributed many Bibles and Christian literature.”

At the heart of DOHI’s ministry is ensuring that EVERYONE, living in countries where persecution and intolerance to Christianity exist, has access to the Word of God and to good Christian literature.

For this reason, it is vital that we continue to support indigenous evangelists who work in some of the spiritually darkest areas of the world where the light of Christ is needed to set the peoples free.

To support Bible and outreach initiatives to the unreached in Pakistan and other Muslim-dominant countries, please donate online today!