Prisoner Profile >

Nay Blang – Vietnam


Nay Blang, 48, from the eastern coastal province of Phu Yen, is a member of the Ede ethnic group in Vietnam’s Central Highlands. He is a member of the Central Highlands Evangelical Church of Christ (CHECC) which the Vietnamese government refuses to recognize as a legitimate religious organization, rather considering it a “reactionary” organization.

In May 2023, Blang was arrested and, according to local media sources, accused of using home fellowship meetings to “gather forces, divide the national unity bloc, incite secession, self-rule, and establish a separate state for ethnic minorities in the Central Highlands.”  He was also accused of “providing false information about freedom of religious belief, slander, distorting religious policies, and violating the interests of the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.”

In January 2024, Blang was found guilty of “abusing democratic freedoms” and sentenced to 4 years and six months in prison.

Blang’s lawyer was not present during the trial. North Carolina-based Pastor Aga, who founded the CHECC, accused Phu Yen province police of forcing Blang’s family to sign a document that canceled Blang’s contract with his lawyer.

Christians from the CHECC have been systematically harassed by authorities for years. This is the third time that Blang is being persecuted for his religious convictions and activities.


2005: Sentenced to five years and six months for “undermining the unity policy.”

2010: Released from prison and sent to an educational facility for 2 years for “abusing the rights to democratic freedom and freedom of belief to entice and incite others to violate the law, interests of the State, legitimate rights and interests of organizations and individuals.”

2012: Released from educational facility.

August 2022: Met with a diplomat from the US Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnamese authorities harassed Blang, wanting to know what had been discussed at the meeting.

September 2022: Scheduled to meet with a religious delegation from the US State Department, however Vietnamese security agents prevented Blang from traveling to the meeting.

May 18, 2023: Arrested on accusations including “abusing democratic freedoms” for his affiliation with the unrecognized and unregistered CHECC and holding in-home religious meetings for fellow members.

January 26, 2024: Trial held. Sentenced to 4 years and six months in prison for the crime of “abusing democratic freedoms” while holding religious meetings in his home.


Pray that the US State Department’s Commission on International Religious Freedom will aggressively advocate on behalf of Nay Blang and all others from the CHECC that have been harassed and imprisoned in recent years.

Pray that the Lord comforts and helps Blang’s family during his current imprisonment.

Pray that God encourages Blang in his faith, strengthening him to withstand the trials that lie ahead. Ask the Lord to use him to minister to all the men in his prison bloc.


We have a strong advocate in the US Commission on International Religious Freedom in Washington D.C. Write to the USCIRF today and encourage their diplomatic efforts on behalf of Nay Y. Blang and others like him who have been imprisoned in Vietnam for taking a stand in the fight for religious freedom.

Send your letter to: (view sample letters here)

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom

Att: Chair Rabbi Abraham Cooper

732 N. Capitol Street, N.W., Suite A714, Washington, D.C. 20401