
What God is doing through DOHI


Independence Square in Kyiv, the capital city of Ukraine

Door of Hope International has been actively bringing aid and spiritual support into Ukraine for more than 40 years. During the Soviet-era we smuggled Bibles and New Testaments into Ukraine. After the collapse of the Iron Curtain, Ukraine was plunged into poverty after it declared independence from the Soviet Union. DOHI began several soup kitchens for impoverished families, street children and orphans abandoned by parents who had lost all hope.

In February 2014, Russia invaded Eastern Donbas, bombed cities, and annexed Crimea forcing many to flee to safer cities. The elderly and families with no financial means to start again had nowhere to go. DOHI began working in Eastern Donbas bringing aid and support to impoverished families devastated by the war. 

In February 2022, Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the largest and deadliest conflict in Europe since World War II. More than 15,000 people have been displaced as refugees in other countries or internally displaced. The destruction of cities, infrastructure and loss of lives is catastrophic. The hardest hit area remains Eastern Donbas where we continue to work with front-line workers, bringing aid and relief to families and children impacted directly by this unprovoked war.

Christ’s Love-in-Action All Over Ukraine 

A record number of Ukrainians are turning to the Church for hope and practical help. Getting aid to those who are suffering would be impossible without our amazing ministry partners and your generous financial support.

The Ukrainians we serve are alive because of the aid you give. —Paul H. Popov

In Lviv, Pastor Misha’s church provides outreach ministries to destitute Roma (Gypsy) families living in tents in the forest, men and women addicted to drugs and alcohol, and young boys, ages 11-16, held in the Gorodok Juvenile Prison. The church offers foundational Christian education and humanitarian aid to destitute families in the community. As a result, many have opened their hearts to God and accepted Jesus as their personal Savior.

In Kyiv, Pastor Tyoma continues his evangelistic football ministry, believing it is vital to bring hope to young men. Participating in a Christ-centered sport and competitions keeps them thinking positive and prevents them from drifting into despair. He offers the teams prayer, encouragement and Bible studies. Many young soldiers, former teammates, call him from the frontlines in desperation, asking for prayer. We are thankful to God that many of these soldiers have given their lives to Jesus while in the trenches!

In Nikopol, Pastor Roman and his wife Inna invest what they call “bits of goodness” in their community. Pastor Roman’s church feeds 90 children daily. For most, it is the only food they get. Through the church’s youth club “Smile,” many children have accepted Jesus in their hearts. Looking for the same hope they see in their children’s eyes, their mothers and fathers have now also started attending church.

In some of the worst-hit regions of Ukraine, our partners bring food to families and the elderly, transport people to safety during air raids, provide spiritual and physical care to the suffering, and supply desperate families with heating fuel, generators and small portable cooking units that can be used in homes, churches and bomb shelters.

In Eastern Donbas, husbands, fathers, sons, uncles and nephews are on the frontlines fighting. Many are killed or injured, leaving families devastated.

Pastor A leads a small Chaplain Ministry team of pastors who attend to wounded soldiers and their families, as well as to the families of those killed in action. As a trained doctor and medic, Pastor A has seen the worst of this war as he rescues soldiers at ground zero, carrying the wounded to hospitals and first aid stations. As a pastor, his heart bleeds for the people he sees struggling daily to survive.


Michael, a soldier, was stationed in the hottest areas of the frontline. For 15 days, his small group held positions protecting a village from the advancing Russian army. Bombing was intense with no break, day or night. A bomb landed in Michael’s trench, throwing him out. Shrapnel from the bomb hit his legs. He bled heavily and thought he would die. The shelling was so heavy he couldn’t be evacuated to a hospital until the following day. His leg could not be saved.

As Michael waited in the hospital for a prosthetic, the Chaplain Ministry team ministered to Michael, and he accepted Christ as his Savior! He now prays every day and reads the Bible they gave him.

Thousands of soldiers die every month, tens of thousands become disabled. We buy food, medicine, clothes, and hygiene products. With the expansion of the ministry due to increased casualties, we are constantly in desperate need of more supplies. —Pastor A., Eastern Donbas


Asmara, capital city of Eritrea

Audio Bibles and Aid to Persecuted Believers

It is estimated that as many as 3,000 believers are currently locked up in Eritrean jails, facing endless imprisonment. Many without the Word of God to give them hope.

Thousands more, meeting together in home churches throughout the country, have no Bible of their own.

We believe that there is nothing more painful to a Christian than to be without the Word of God.

A Christian without a Bible is like a fish without water, or a bird without air. Christians are creatures of God’s Word and must have His Word to grow spiritually. —Pastor Haralan Popov

Today, a chorus made up of these persecuted Eritrean believers, are calling out in unison, “We need more Bibles!”

God wants to use us to answer their cries.

So far, with God’s help and your generosity, we have successfully delivered more than 1,100 solar-powered audio Bibles to suffering Eritrean Christians, including imprisoned pastors.

But there are so many more who are still waiting for Bibles.

Join us in ensuring that our precious brothers and sisters in Eritrea receive God’s Word.

As we distribute these audio Bibles, we also deliver financial aid to the families of jailed pastors and many other Christians who are suffering for their faith in Jesus Christ throughout the country.

Iran and Afghanistan

Tehran, capital city of Iran

Satellite Ministry in Muslim Lands

Today in Iran, Christians continue to be persecuted and imprisoned. Since the Iranian Islamic revolution in 1979, millions of Muslims have become disillusioned with Islam and have turned to Christ. As a result, Iran has one of the fastest growing “secret churches” in the world. Every day more and more Muslims in Iran are becoming followers of Jesus despite paying a high price for practicing their faith.

DOHI is investing in a satellite ministry into Iran to shine the light of the Gospel of Christ in this spiritually dark nation. Millions of Muslims and new converts to Christianity are being reached through our satellite broadcasting of the Gospel.

Through ICNET satellite TV, we are reaching directly into the safety of people’s homes in Iran and Afghanistan with God’s Word in the Farsi language. Many Muslims are hearing the Gospel for the first time!


Dear ICNET TV, I am a housewife, but my education was in mathematics. I love your programs and pray everyone in Iran would watch them. This is an amazing channel, because it proves that God and science can be together, and we don’t have to choose one or the other. I am a Muslim, but I am searching to know the creator and ICNET and the speakers like Dr. Ross and Dr. Rana are helping me find God. I am afraid to admit, but I love Jesus and want to believe in Him. —A., from Shiraz, Iran

Will you join us in carrying the torch of the Gospel to the spiritually hurting in Iran and Afghanistan?


Islamabad, capital city of Pakistan

Bibles and Christian Literature for Unreached Peoples

“Reaching the unreached” means sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with people who do not have access to Bibles and amongst whom there is no indigenous community of Believers able to evangelize their own people.

In northern Pakistan, numerous ethnic groups have never heard of the name of Jesus, yet alone read, God’s message of salvation. Because of Islam’s stronghold, over one million people live in spiritual darkness.

At the heart of DOHI’s ministry is ensuring that EVERYONE, living in countries where persecution and intolerance to Christianity exist, has access to the Word of God and to good Christian literature.

Pastor Malik (not his real name) and his team have made it their mission to take God’s Word to northern Pakistan. At great risk to himself, Pastor Mailk travels several hundred miles to distribute Bibles and share God’s eternal message of Hope and Love through friendship evangelism.

We are so grateful to God that He has opened up the gates of northern Pakistan to us. In one particular city at the foot of the Himalayan mountains, where there are no Christians, we had the chance to meet the local police and shared the Word of God with them! We also met people on the streets, engaged them in conversation about God, and distributed many Bibles and Christian literature. —Pastor Malik

Join us in supporting indigenous evangelists who work in some of the spiritually darkest areas of the world where the light of Christ is needed to set the peoples free. Let’s not stop until every Pakistani is reached with the Good News of Jesus!

Summer Camps for Children

The world over, children always bear the greatest brunt of any crisis.

Many of the children that we serve are growing up in the midst of war. Others are familiar with the pain and suffering that religious persecution and extreme poverty bring. Living in such harsh conditions, these kids have elevated levels of traumatic stress, depression and anxiety. Tragically, they have lost their sense of safety and well-being.

We believe that Jesus can heal the hearts and minds of these precious little ones.

That is why every summer we provide hurting children with the opportunity to hear about the unwavering love of Jesus – a love that finds us no matter where we live, no matter our circumstances and offers us hope for a future that is bright because of Him.

At camp, kids begin the day with morning devotion and end it with evening Bible studies. During the day the children have a chance to play sports, swim, go boating and hiking – events most have never experienced. They learn important survival skills, as well as practical life lessons, including how to apply Bible principles to life’s sometimes unpredictable challenges!

Your giving is vital to this outreach. Through your partnership and generous donation, Jesus is meeting these little ones in some of the hardest places in the world.

When you help send a needy child to camp, you not only make it possible for them to experience the dream of a lifetime, but you also ensure that a child receives:

  • An education which includes Bible lessons
  • A clean, safe environment to play and develop Christian friendships
  • An opportunity to participate in organized sports and other fun activities
  • Three nutritional meals a day
  • The knowledge that they are not alone, but that God, the Creator of the universe, sees them, hears them, and loves them
  • An opportunity to repent and pray the sinner’s prayer. Each child will be given an invitation to join a Christian fellowship in the area where they live.


Pastor Roman writes:

We cannot thank you enough that the children were kept safe for several weeks and far away from Nikopol during a period of intense bombings that were hitting our city. Even though the camp was near Kyiv, the children did not hear any explosions throughout their stay.

When we they returned home from camp, many of their their parents came and thanked us. Not only for the much needed rest, but for the incredible improvement of their child’s condition.

Alexander, for example, is unrecognizable! He returned from camp a different kid. Once filled with sadness, he is now smiles and possesses a deep sense of inner peace!

Your love-in-action has helped heal many of these precious children, including little Alex!

Christmas Gifts to Children

There is No Greater Day to Tell Hurting Children, “Jesus Loves You!”

In many countries Christmas is forbidden. Fathers are imprisoned for witnessing about Christ; mothers are left struggling to feed hungry children. Despite the dangers, Christians continue to celebrate this special day of Christ’s birth.

Each year at Christmas, we make an extra special effort to minister to as many imprisoned Christians and their families, orphans and hurting children as we can. During our outreaches, we bring gifts of love to hundreds of children with the story of Jesus…children like eight-year-old Adnan whose father is imprisoned for the sake of Christ.

Adnan’s mother works all day as a cleaner. Being the eldest child, he is responsible for his younger siblings. Most days Adnan struggles to keep the little ones from crying with hunger.

Often, there is little food in the house. His mother scrapes together a meager meal when she gets home from a long shift. She is doing her best, but her pay is low.

As the children are tucked into bed, she silently cries as tears stream down her face. She prays that God will bring more food tomorrow. —DOHI ministry partner

The most appreciated gift you give this coming Christmas will be the gift you make possible for children like Adnan. A warm sweater or new winter boots, food and extra treats for his family’s table tell him, “Jesus loves you and has not forgotten you!

This Christmas, we invite you to bless a hurting child. By providing a little boy or girl a special gift to unwrap on Christmas morning, you are actually wrapping them in warmth and the love and hope of Jesus!

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DOHI’s ministry has expanded worldwide and is currently active in 15 countries.

Our International headquarters is located in Glendale, CA, USA. For office locations around the world please see the contact page.

Door of Hope International has been in good standing with ECFA since 1981.