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Are We Paying Enough Attention to Christian Suffering in the World?



“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:26


Pastor Haralan Popov spent more than 13 years in 16 communist prisons and concentration camps for his uncompromising faith in Jesus Christ. His only crime was being the pastor of the largest Protestant church in Bulgaria.

The 2023 statistics on the state of Christian persecution in the world is horrifying. According to experts in the field, it has never been more dangerous to be a Christian than today. In fact, it is estimated that one in seven Christians are at high risk of being persecuted every day because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Here are only a few examples:

In North Korea, following Jesus is done in secret. Believers that are discovered face immediate deportation to labor camps where, as political prisoners, they are given life sentences. Some are shot and killed instantly.

Eritrea, infamously known as the ‘North Korea’ of Africa, only recognizes three Christian denominations (Eritrean Orthodox, Lutheran and Roman Catholic). Anyone who follows Jesus outside of these government-sanctioned groups must do so as part of an Underground Church, placing themselves and their families at risk of suffering violence, severe deprivations and indefinite imprisonment.

In Pakistan, Christians live in constant fear of being accused of blasphemy by neighbors, employers or even acquaintances. It only takes a mere accusation stating that a Christian insulted the prophet or the Quran to bring police or an angry mob to their door.

Finally, Iran’s law makes it illegal to convert from Islam to Christianity. Those who bravely do so risk arrest and the loss of their freedoms for years. And Christians who try to help new converts place themselves in danger of also being imprisoned.

Knowing that the situations outlined above are real for a vast majority of our brothers and sisters throughout the world, a question comes to mind: Why does only some Christian suffering capture the world’s attention, while so much slips by unseen?

While the answer to this question may be complicated, the solution is simple: Find those who are actively helping the Suffering Church and ask them how you can join in being “a voice and a helping hand” to that part of the body of Christ that is in chains today throughout the world.

If you’d like to learn more about imprisoned Christians who are suffering torture for the sake of Christ, please read more here. If you’d like to hear how you can help, email us at