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A Note from Bulgaria on Ukraine

Written by: Teresa, DOHI fieldworker (Vidin, Northwestern Bulgaria)

“In February 2022, as bombs began to fall on Ukraine, I met Ruslana and her two children in a small city in northwestern Bulgaria. She had just arrived from Odessa, a beautiful city on the Black Sea, with a group of Ukrainian mothers and their children who were all seeking safety in a neighboring, friendly country. Ruslana was shell-shocked, scared about having to leave her husband behind in Ukraine and worried about what the future held for her family.

For six months DOHI cared for Ruslana and the other mothers. Your generous donations during the early days of the war allowed us to purchase vital supplies like hygiene products, shoes, clothing, and books for the 12 mothers and 8 children throughout their stay.

In August 2022, most of these women courageously returned home. The last year and a half has not been easy by any means. Bombs are still falling at an alarming rate in Odessa. Our friends, with whom our hearts will forever be united, live in constant danger.

Recently, during a phone conversation, Ruslana told me that her husband is no longer going outdoors – not even to work! He is scared because men are being rounded up on the streets to serve in the Ukrainian armed forces. They are being taken straight to the front lines! The fear in her voice was palpable and my heart broke for her and what her family is now enduring.

Please remember Ruslana and her family in your prayers! Pray that this horrible war ends soon and that the precious people of Ukraine can begin to rebuild their lives, hoping in the One to whom all glory and honor is due!”





















We at DOHI continue to be committed to helping the hurting Ukrainian people. We continue to raise funds to ensure churches can hand out food and clean water to their neighbors who are in need. We continue to also help churches take care of orphaned children and run Christian programs that give hope to Ukrainian families that are living in very desperate situations.”

Please consider giving today to help our ongoing projects in Ukraine. Type “Ukraine” in the memo section and we will be sure that 100% of your donation goes to save lives in Ukraine!