A Voice and a Helping Hand to Persecuted Christians

Through every crisis of 2024, the voices of the Suffering Church reached us. Your compassion and generosity enabled us to respond to their pleas. Together, we helped our precious persecuted brothers and sisters rebuild their lives and strengthen their faith. We invite you to read our year-in-review newsletter.

A Voice and a Helping Hand to Persecuted Christians

Through every crisis in 2024, the voices of the Suffering Church reached us. Your compassion and generosity enabled us to respond to their pleas. Together, we helped our precious persecuted brothers and sisters rebuild their lives and strengthen their faith. Read our year-in-review newsletter here.

Our Focus

Our focus is to strengthen and rebuild the Suffering Church in countries where persecution and intolerance to Christianity exist. We bring aid and relief to suffering families and raise awareness of the plight of persecuted and imprisoned Christians for their faith in Jesus Christ.

An Important History

Door of Hope International was founded by Dr. Haralan Popov, who was imprisoned and tortured for more than 13 years in Communist Bulgaria for his faith in Jesus Christ.


“Praise God for your help to the persecuted churches! I am a new believer in Iran. I read Tortured for His Faith a few days ago and was greatly blessed. In Iran, the church is under intense persecution and Pastor Popov’s story helped to strengthen my faith in Christ.” —A., Iran

Ukraine Upclose

Field report

A Prayer Request from Pastor Misha!

Door of Hope International in action

What we do

We translate, print and distribute Bibles & Christian Literature.

We support pastors in countries of religious intolerance.

We network with indigenous churches to help orphans, homeless youth, refugees, and others in desperate need.

We distribute humanitarian aid to suffering Christians.

We expose communist ideology which prevents freedom of religion.

We expose the Islamic ideology which prevents conversion and freedom of religion.

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DOHI’s ministry has expanded worldwide and is currently active in 15 countries.

Our International headquarters is located in Glendale, CA, USA. For office locations around the world please see the contact page.

Door of Hope International has been in good standing with ECFA since 1981.